The Strike Gundam from Gundam Seed makes its debut into the PG line featuring brand new styling with extreme articulation and unprecedented mechanical detail. Shoulder units can extend outward for expanded range of movement. Elbows feature multi-joint construction, allowing complex poses such as drawing the sword. Stomach unit features full articulation, including "hydraulic" cylinders. Knee armor designed to move along with poses. Calf frame extends and retracts. Battery-powered light-emitting diode (LED) system can be switched on to illuminate the eyes. A new original gimmick includes the "Grand Slam" sword which features chromed plastic for a realistic finish. Additional accessories include a beam rifle with accurate internal detail, a shield with actual direct-view shutter feature, and 2 foldable armor Schneider knives that can be stored in the skirt armor. CR1220 battery for LED sold separately.